Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor

  1. Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor Review
  2. Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor Mini Prototype
  3. Plasma Fusion
  4. Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor 2
  5. Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor



Total raw

Rimworld plasma fusion reactor for sale

Map color



Stack size




Shooting speed



20 laser



Energy consumption

1.2 MW (electric)


24 kW (electric)

Mining time


Prototype type

Internal name


Required technologies

Boosting technologies

Produced by

Consumed by

Laser turrets are an advanced defense building with longer range than the gun turret, infinite ammo, good damage and use electricity to operate (and a smaller amount of energy when idle). By dealing laser damage, they don't face any resistances (enemies receive full damage) but have a lower rate of fire than gun turrets. Each shot costs 800kJ of energy; as the shooting speed increases through upgrades, so does the power required to keep firing.

Using laser turrets to ward off attacks can cause electricity usage spikes, these can be offset by using accumulators (or steam storage and excess steam turbines).

The patent granted to the Navy is for a “plasma compression fusion” device, but the document is rather vague on how these gains are achieved. Phrases like “It is a feature of the present.

Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor Review


  • RimWorld plays this both forwards and backwards, as the background concept is that on any given rim world there are distinct cultures that interact with each other but are nonetheless living at very different tech levels. In game terms, your own faction begins at either 'tribal' or 'colony' (space-faring but stranded) level, which dictates.
  • Oct 22, 2016 RimWorld. All Discussions. Moded: plasma fusion reactor, makes WAY more energy then i will EVER need. WhyBorne (drunken) Oct 22, 2016 @ 12:12pm I fourth the.
  • The company, which is named after the vacuum chamber that contains the fusion reaction inside powerful magnetic fields, announced the creation of the superhot plasma inside its experimental ST40.
  • Laser turret firing.

  • A gif of the laser turret rotating. (Pre 1.0)


Raining bullets

Win the game without building any laser turrets.


  • 0.17.0:
    • New graphics.
    • Laser turret now use new laser beams.
  • 0.15.0:
    • Laser turret projectiles move much faster.
  • 0.12.0:
    • All turrets now have a 2x2 footprint.
    • Made 4x as powerful and expensive.

Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor Mini Prototype

  • 0.9.0:
    • Change to recipe.
  • 0.7.1:
    • Decreased resting energy consumption of laser turret to 1/3 of original value.
  • 0.7.0:
    • Added upgrade technologies.
  • 0.3.0:
    • New graphics

Plasma Fusion

  • 0.1.0:
    • Introduced

See also


  • Pistol
  • Submachine gun
  • Shotgun
  • Combat shotgun
  • Rocket launcher
  • Flamethrower
  • Land mine
  • Firearm magazine
  • Piercing rounds magazine
  • Uranium rounds magazine
  • Shotgun shells
  • Piercing shotgun shells
  • Cannon shell
  • Explosive cannon shell
  • Uranium cannon shell
  • Explosive uranium cannon shell
  • Artillery shell
  • Rocket
  • Explosive rocket
  • Atomic bomb
  • Flamethrower ammo
  • Grenade
  • Cluster grenade
  • Poison capsule
  • Slowdown capsule
  • Defender capsule
  • Distractor capsule
  • Destroyer capsule
  • Light armor
  • Heavy armor
  • Modular armor
  • Power armor
  • Power armor MK2
  • Portable solar panel
  • Portable fusion reactor
  • Personal battery
  • Personal battery MK2
  • Belt immunity equipment
  • Exoskeleton
  • Personal roboport
  • Personal roboport MK2
  • Nightvision
  • Energy shield
  • Energy shield MK2
  • Personal laser defense
  • Discharge defense
  • Discharge defense remote
  • Wall
  • Gate
  • Gun turret
  • Laser turret
  • Flamethrower turret
  • Artillery turret
  • Artillery targeting remote
  • Radar
  • Rocket silo
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Ship reactor

Powers a ship on its journey through space.

6 ˣ 7
Work To Make
65,000 ticks (18.06 mins)
Resources to make
350 + 280 + 70 + 8
Deconstruct yield
252 + 210 + 52 + 6

A ship reactor is a ship part needed to take off. It has a 15-day activation time, during which the colony will be attacked by many raids. The raids will stop once the reactor is fully activated. It can't be built under a roof, but you can build a roof above it afterwards.

Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor 2

The reactor may be powered on despite the rest of the ship not being built yet. This currently can be exploited since building the whole ship first will increase your colony's wealth, increasing the strength of raids.

It can also be used to power a base like a normal generator, constantly providing 1000W regardless of conditions, though its cost and size makes it extremely inefficient for such even in the endgame.

Rimworld Plasma Fusion Reactor

Ship structural beam • Ship cryptosleep casket • Ship computer core • Ship reactor • Ship engine • Sensor cluster

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